This Wild Life



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It is easy to forget what it feels like to take a deep breath. To stop. To listen. To connect. To close our eyes and notice. To simply step outside and hear the sounds of nature. We forget that not everything in this world responds at the click of a button or the touch of a screen. That there are wild spaces within us and around us just waiting for us to explore - places that remind us of who we are and what matters most.

Places that call us to the present moment - that allow us the opportunity to experience the earth beneath our feet, the water flowing through us, the fire in our heart, the wind in our hair, and the space we create within ourselves when we align our intentions with nature.

Places that allow the call of adventure to push us outside of our comfort zone - helping us to grow beyond the limiting boundaries we have created in our mind. Places that provide a sense of purpose and reignite our passions and goals and the ways we move toward them.

Places that bring us back to ourselves, creating balance as a necessary part of our whole. Places that allow us to switch off, so that we can switch back on with greater presence, awareness, and knowing.

Places that allow us to reset, restore, and rewild.